1 Mart 2008 Cumartesi

Bitirme Projem-devamı

Domain Name Registration

I used isimtescil.net to get my own domain name.I simply searched my own domain name here.If you find the desired one you should create a new user account, and then pay about 10YTL to make 1 year (or more) registration for any domain. I will use “fatihinyeri.net.” for my weblog.

Updating DNS Address
If you use different web host (like awardspace.com) You should change DNS addresses before use your domain name.First log into Simple Control Panel. Click the “Domains” then click “Change DNS information” link. You must change the name servers if you use another web hosting instead of www.isimtescil.net, if you use www.isimtescil.net do not change it.I used www.awardspace.com thus i changed the name server address information and clicked “save” button.

DNS-1 for my web host is: ns1.awardspace.com
DNS-2 for my web host is: ns2.awardspace.com
Writing and saving these addresses to DNS addresses Area in domain name registrar(example: isimtescil.net),you can easily change it.(see the Picture 3)

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